Serape poncho
Serape poncho

If you don’t have either buried in your closet, you can probably find one in apparel shops this fall. Ponchos and serapes are staples in Southwest and Santa Fe wardrobes, but are important trends in mainstream fashion these days. The other garment closely associated with Mexican culture is the serape, which is essentially a blanket-usually striped and gaily colored-worn over one shoulder, or across the shoulders, much like a shawl. By 1973, ponchos were getting tossed into the backs of closets and a hippie chick’s “rancid” poncho was fodder for Zappa’s acerbic wit.

serape poncho

It reached its greatest popularity as a hippie garment in the late 1960s, undoubtedly nudged along by its star turn in Eastwood’s movies. The poncho has slipped in and out of fashion periodically since the late 1800s. This concept is seen in some form on nearly every continent. Traditionally woven from llama and alpaca hair, a poncho consists of a square or rectangular piece of cloth with a hole in the middle for the head. Spanish conquistadores brought the design to Mexico, probably more for its functionality than its style. They are the outerwear traditionally worn by the indigenous Mapuche people in Chile and western Argentina. Ponchos themselves, however, have an unambiguous genesis. Others associated with the film claim the poncho was acquired in Spain. Eastwood contends he bought the poncho, his hat and other wardrobe essentials in California before shooting the movies in Italy and Spain.


Yet folks still dispute who brought the poncho to the movie set. Unlike the poncho shed by the “Magic Mama”-a Woman With No Name-in Frank Zappa’s song, “Camarillo Brillo,” the authenticity of Eastwood’s poncho is never questioned on screen.

serape poncho

Having covered the young man with his coat, the Man With No Name takes the soldier’s poncho, which becomes an iconic prop in the rest of Eastwood’s “Dollar” Westerns with director Sergio Leone.

serape poncho

In one of the few tender moments in the classic Spaghetti Western The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Clint Eastwood’s hard-bitten, unnamed bounty hunter comforts a dying Confederate soldier. “Is that a real poncho?… I mean, is that a Mexican poncho or is that a Sears poncho?” -”Camarillo Brillo” by Frank Zappa

Serape poncho